Slovakia 10.1. Visegrad Group-the 20th anniversary | |||||
Holansko 24.1. "500th anniversary of the book "In Praise of Folly | |||||
Luxembourg 28.1. Topic Still not Known | |||||
Germany 28.1. North Rhine-Westphalia Cologne Cathedral | |||||
Spain marec Alhambra | |||||
Slovenia21.3 100th birth anniversary of national hero Franc Rozman | |||||
Francúzsko 21.6 30.výročie Festivalu hudby | |||||
Portugal15.10. Fernao Mendes Pinto | |||||
San maríno 4.6. 500th annivers.of the birth of G.Vasari |
Belgicko 1.5. 100thanniversary of the Internat.Womens Day |
Malta 15.10. First elected representatives |
Vatikan Goirgio Vasari | |||||
Grécko 30.6. organization of World Games Taliansko 150th Anniversary since Italy unified
Náhľad fotografií zo zložky 2eurá CC vydávané 2011